The road between Bodega Bay and Jenner which is only 11 miles long has some of the most beautiful coastline you can imagine.
We stopped at several of the pullouts to admire the views along this 11 mile stretch.
In addition to a bunch of Sea Lions laying on the sand on either side of the mouth of the river, there was a rock where a large number of cormorants were perched.
One of them apparently did't like the crowd.
It seems like every time we drive the stretch of the Route 1 Shoreline Highway north towards Mendocino we always stop at the Point Arena lighthouse.
It is a very photogenic lighthouse and the views in all directions are outstanding.
We love the Sea Rock Inn in Mendocino. We discovered it probably 8-9 years ago on a trip up the coast before our son James moved up there. Our room this trip was the one on the right of the top floor in the unit farthest to the right. We have stayed there before and really like the room and views.
Below is the view from the balcony outside our room in Mendocino. The view was just fantastic.
Here is the actual view from the bed in our room at the SeaRock. Add the sound of the surf crashing to the view and it was an awesome stay.
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