The view at Bodega Head, just around the Bay from Bodega Bay is awesome. When we were there on Saturday, it was windy and cold but beautiful.

Here is a picture of the Cormorants (Black Birds with long necks) that Diane mentioned in here blog.

Here is a picture of the pigeon guillemots that Diane mentions in her blog. She also has a picture but as you can see from both hers and mine, we could not get close to the birds. The birds are the two black spots with white on their wings in the center of the picture, just to the right of the crevice.
When we left Bodega Bay, we drove over to Sonoma to do some wine tasting but decided to stop at Jack London's ranch first.

The house in the picture below was the 'cottage' that Jack and his wife lived in from 1911 to 1916. This is where he did a lot of his writing.

This is Jack's sleeping porch. He slept here while his wife slept in her own room as Jack sat up late reading and writing notes to be used during his writing time in the morning when he got up. Although he stayed up late, he was usually an early riser. Notice the yellow clock above the bed. It is what he used to tell his help when to wake him up. It was often set for him to be awakened at 5 or 5:30AM.

Jack's office was right across the hall from his wife's sleeping porch. His sleeping porch was at the end of the hall just off his office. He did most of his writing at the desk on the left.

One of the barns on the ranch. Jack used all the manure produced by the animals on the ranch as fertilizer. He used many of the farming techniques to fertilize and rotate the crops that he learned during his many travels.

Jack London died at the age of 40. He lived his life to the fullest during his years.
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