Well, on Monday morning, it was time to head over to Victoria, British Columbia.
This is the gathering of cars waiting to board the ferry. We are the little red car on the extreme right next to the big rigs.

Waiting to board the ferry, we could see the ramp and closed door where we would be entering the ferry.

Looking back at Port Angeles with Mount Olympus and Hurricane Ridge in the background.

Diane inside on the ferry to Victoria. I wandered outside to take pictures looking back to Port Angeles.

Looking back at Port Angeles and Hurricane Ridge (snow capped peaks behind the town).

Sign as you enter the fort and lighthouse area at Fort Rodd Hill and Fisgard Lighthouse.

Gun emplacement at Fort Rodd Hill. The guns were floating guns that could be pulled down out of sight. From the water, the entire fort was not really visible.

Diane down in the break room in the underground area where they kept the shells and gunpowder.

Mock up of the area where the shells were kept. The gunpowder was kept in a separate area. When we went down in the bunker, this area is not very well lit, I used the flash to show the shells.

Fisgard Lighthouse taken from the are of Fort Rodd Hill.

The current path back to Fort Rodd Hill. This did not exist when the lighthouse was staffed. It was built so tourists could wander out to the lighthouse. The lighthouse keeper and family had to row a small boat back and forth to get between the lighthouse and shore.

The lighthouse keepers wife coming down the steps getting ready to row back to shore for provisions.

We also went to Sidney up the coast about 20Km from Victoria. I didn't carry my camera so Diane has all the pictures from there.
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