As we got ready to leave Crescent City, we had to walk down to the lighthouse before we left town. The are is the Battery Point Vista area.

Diane in front of the Battery Point Light House. You can see the spit that is above the water line right now so you can walk to the lighthouse. It is underwater during high tide.

Here is a close up of the lighthouse.

There is a pier at the vista point but it is closed off, see the sign in the next picture.

As we drove up the coast, there we still glorious views. This is the day we crossed into Oregon.

At one of the stops I saw this kayak. Notice the wheels attached. I think they are to tow the kayak behind their vehicle but I like to think it is to kayak over shallow water or down the beach.

Oregon has coast line that is as beautiful and rugged as California or more so.

This is from Point Blanco. There were supposed to be chalk cliffs but we didn't see anything that looked like chalk. I was disappointed because I told Diane that we could then go to England and compare these chalk cliffs to the white cliffs of Dover, oh well.

Here is the Point Blanco Lighthouse. I am trying to get pictures with the light on where possible.

This is basically the same view as the one above but I really liked it.

We haven't seen a whale but we did come across this this Whale Rock. Diane said that doesn't count as seeing a whale.

The lighthouse at Bando is a small one but very different in design.

From a distance. I liked the bird flying.
Below is the Umpqua lighthouse. It was about 5 miles south of where we were staying in Reedsport so we drove back to it to watch the sunset.

Wow, four lighthouses in one day.
Sunset was pretty cool from up where we were several hundred feet above the ocean and back in a ways.

Sunset over the water...

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